My Services

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Please, ask!

  • Emotional support as you prepare for your baby’s arrival and after they are born

  • Physical support as you prepare and recover from birth

  • Educational resources for your pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience and newborn care

  • Freezer meal planning and preparation

    Light housework and cleaning

    Help you set up & organize your nursery

    Help you set up & learn how to use baby gear

    Assist you in making a registry & shopping for baby items

    Attend appointments and run errands with you

  • Help you process and record your birth story

    Support your physical recovery from birth

    Provide companionship throughout the fourth trimester

    Plan and prepare healing meals & snacks

    Light housework and cleaning

    Care for your other children to allow you to rest

    Provide breastfeeding support

    Identifying your newborn’s cues

    Provide you with support and education on newborn care

    Attend appointments with you and run errands for you

  • Help you process and record your birth story

    Provide education and resources on pregnancy loss

    Provide companionship as you navigate your pregnancy loss

    Attend appointments with you

    Prepare healing meals for your family

    Support your physical recovery

    Light housework and cleaning

In person support has been suspended for 2023. Many of my services translate well into virtual support. Please find out more here!